易凯律师事务所 位于洛杉矶San Gabriel(圣盖博市)服务超过20年,我们事务所处理家事法, 移民法, 人体伤害, 民事法, 刑事辩护等服务。我们事务所为南加州客户服务超过20年, 一直以来用实力赢得最佳的口碑信誉。我们拥有专业的法律团队, 全天候为客户服务, 提供各类移民,家庭法 与其他相关法律的解决方案. 丰富的办案经验与无数的成功案例是您的最大的信心保证。
我们团队由资历深厚的法律团队,和年轻一派的精英成员组成,為客戶提供卓越的专业知识以及服務態度,讓客戶更清晰了解案件的狀況。我们对每一个案件都赋予全身心的关注, 并注重与客户保持直接和诚实的沟通, 以建立牢固的工作关系,我们坚信这是任何情况下案件成功的基础。自成立以来, 我们成功受理的案件超过数万起, 受到了客户们的信任与推荐。丰富的案件处理经历, 也加速着我们的进步,从而更好的为客户制定更有效的策略和达到理想的结果
我們明白不同案件都具有相對的挑戰性, 但我们将继续秉承着“据理力争, 与您同行”的信念,以我们的专业实力为您处理各类法律疑难。如果您正在寻找一个可靠, 可信,并且经验丰富的律师事务所代理您的案件, 请与我们进行联系。 我们将竭诚为您服务
Michael A. Peart 是易凯律师事务所的创始人兼首席律师,该事务所在加州的圣盖博和福尔瑟姆设有办公室。Peart先生毕业于萨克拉门托林肯法学院和加州大学戴维斯分校,并于2005年成为加州律师协会的骄傲成员,拥有近20年的家事法和移民法丰富经验。
除了他的律师事务所,Peart先生还在加州大学戴维斯分校担任讲师,并在Mainstay Business Solutions担任总法律顾问,帮助组织进行合规培训和人才管理。他对法律事业的热情体现在他帮助客户解决复杂法律问题的执着上。
在Michael A. Peart律师事务所,Peart先生致力于以同情心和专业知识引导客户度过困难时期。无论是处理家事法中的离婚、财产分割、配偶和子女抚养问题,还是家庭移民、婚姻绿卡和移民法庭诉讼,他都致力于为每位客户争取公平和公正的结果。
Our Attorney
Michael A. Peart is the founder and principal attorney at the Law Office of Michael A. Peart, with offices in San Gabriel and Folsom, CA. A graduate of Lincoln Law School of Sacramento and U.C. Davis Extension, Mr. Peart has been a proud member of the California State Bar since 2005, bringing nearly 20 years of extensive experience in family law and immigration law.
In addition to his practice, Mr. Peart serves as an instructor at U.C. Davis Extension and as general counsel at Mainstay Business Solutions, where he trains and assists organizations in compliance and talent management. His commitment to his profession is evident in his passion for helping clients navigate complex legal challenges.
Renowned for his intelligence, reasonableness, and creativity, Mr. Peart excels in crafting tailored solutions to complex issues. He is highly responsive and detail-oriented, consistently striving to defend his clients' rights and interests with innovative approaches.
At the Law Office of Michael A. Peart, Mr. Peart is dedicated to guiding clients through challenging times with compassion and expertise. Whether dealing with divorce, property division, spousal and child support in family law, or family-based immigration, marriage green cards, and immigration court proceedings, he is committed to achieving fair and equitable outcomes for every client.
Mr. Peart derives great satisfaction from providing counseling services and helping clients navigate the intricacies of the legal system, ensuring they feel supported and understood every step of the way.
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